Meet the team

We are a small but mighty team dedicated to making a difference to children’s lives


Yvonne Gabriel – Chair

I have been a committee member of The Sunshine Foundation since 2006 and Chair since November 2019. I’m proud to be a part of this small but dedicated, passionate and effective team; and to know that our efforts make such a positive difference to the education and lives of the pupils (and staff) of the St Andrew’s School for Special Education (SASSE) in Grenada – it’s very satisfying.

I am, myself, a Deputy Head of Education at a school for children with Autism and have worked with children with Autism for over 25 years. It was when I taught the son of the Founder of the charity back in 2006, that she asked me become involved with the charity. Given my dedication to improving the education and life chances of children with special needs and that SASSE is located in my mother’s town of birth, Grenville Grenada, it was an easy decision. What I bring to the charity is an understanding of special education.  I also co-ordinate and host some of our fundraising events, including our annual Black History month quizzes and bi- annual Sunshine Showcase entertainment evenings.   

I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved as a charity for the school and other local special needs and disability organisations over the years and know that with the support of the community we will continue to do so.

Chvonne Shirma Mcpherson – Treasurer

I’ve been a member of the charity for nearly six years. I got involved because it gives me great satisfaction knowing the help that we give to the children of the St Andrew’s School for Special Education in Grenada. It brings me joy seeing them striving year to year with the help and support of our charity. I also sponsor a pupil at the school.

I am an re-ablement carer for the community  supporting people with mental health needs to live as independently as possible and to promote quality of life. I also volunteer for another charity promoting health and social well being of the African-Caribbean elders in the community.

My role in the charity not only involves managing the finances but I also support the fundraising functions with cooking and being front of house, meeting and greeting guests as they arrive.

Irma Charles – Secretary

I have been a Committee Member since 2004 and I have held the role of Secretary for the last six years. I joined the team as I have a nephew with special needs and I know the challenges that children with special needs face. I know the difference that the work of the charity makes to the lives of the children at SASSE as I visit Grenada on a regular basis, and I have made several visits to the school to meet with the children, staff and principle.  It is always heart-warming to be welcomed by the children and be recognised as the “Sunshine lady”. I also personally sponsor a pupil at the school.

I work for a charity supporting older people in the community, many of whom have challenging health issues. I strongly believe in the saying that charity begins at home and I am committed to supporting those in the community and in the Caribbean.

Patsy Bholdhoo – Committee Member

I have been a member of The Sunshine Foundation for over five and a half years. I believe in what the charity stands for and enjoy the feeling of satisfaction gained from all the hard work that the members commit to. Every child in our school (SASSE) deserves the right to a full education and to be taught skills to help them to be as independent as possible. This is why I am pleased that we help to fund the cookery programme run by the school. I am also very passionate about our kids especially as I am of Grenadian parentage. I try to visit the school as often as I can and also sponsor a pupil.

Denis ‘Hotwax’ GeorgeCommittee Member

I have been a part of The Sunshine Foundation since 2005. I grew up in the village of Mt Moritz, St George’s Grenada and left to live here in the London in 1970. I return to Grenada every other year and visit the school whenever I can to donate gifts and am always pleased to see how the things that we provide are helping the children.

 I have been a DJ for over 40 years and run a carnival costume band at the Notting Hill Carnival and in Europe. I use these skills to support with all events, providing PA systems, music and many other technical facilities as required. I am committed to The Sunshine Foundation and hope to carry on supporting this charity as long as I can.  

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